“Patanjali defines yoga as chitta vritti nirodhah — the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind”.
International Yoga Day was celebrated in our school on 21st June 2024. The theme ‘Yoga for Self and Society’ was decided by our Honorable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Grandparents, parents, teachers and students assembled in the morning. They participated actively and performed the asana with great enthusiasm.
Students prepared chart work on the concepts of Ashtanga Yoga, What is Yoga? and the Aim/ Objective of Yoga. The day was initiated with Guru Mantra to bring all the audience relaxed and be prepared. Nithyashri of class 10 B delivered a motivational speech on the awareness of Yoga practices and the major divisions of Yogic practice (namely Asana, Pranayama, Dhyana).
All the participants took their positions on the mat to perform some Restorative Asana, Pranayama and Dhyana (with relaxing music). Ms. Aishwarya BM, the Wellness Teacher shared the benefits of practicing yoga. The participants felt energized and nourished attending the session which helped end the day with a goal to have continuity in practice of Yoga and feel completely aligned with mind and body.